Humanity's environment without the concrete. Inspired be being in the fields and trees and using plein air techniques. These pieces are also created in the studio, layers upon layers over time.
Using landscapes for expression of inner terrene connecting with outer imagery is a handy tool for allegorical statement. Animals and plants are often representatives of certain statements or archetypes. Hoping to inspire a reaction or spark of interest. Hoping to expand, to nurture, to grow that which is inherently, beautifully, humane. 
Mohnblumen im FeldBridgeMarigold IIMarigold IAnadoluEcho IIEcho IFieldsIntrospectionPeaceful VigilanceA Moving PeaceWondersDeliveryIntoxicationSynchronicity AvalonStar BornRaining Sunshine /SnapdragonsSteppesBegonia Gone Super Nova IAufbruchLostUferDo Whoop de WhoopWishing WellSpicaA Day of Thyme